We are thankful to the Lord that, despite the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic in both Zimbabwe and here in the UK, we have been able to continue our support for the Lord’s work in Zimbabwe and have been encouraged by the ongoing generous support of the Lord’s people here in the UK. In Zimbabwe the economic situation has deteriorated as a result of the pandemic meaning that the majority of people struggle even more to provide for their basic daily needs and leading to disruption to normal life as teachers and medical workers have been on strike to express their protest against the current conditions. Restrictions imposed by the government to limit the spread of the virus have impacted much of life in the country but we are encouraged to see all the things that have been happening in the different projects supported by the Trust despite these difficulties. This has often involved a huge effort by our partners in Zimbabwe. We give thanks to the Lord for all that has been achieved through the support given to the Trust here in the UK that has enabled us to continue to minister to the many needs in Zimbabwe.
The accounts of the Trust for the year to 5th April 2020 show an income of £81,930 and that we distributed £96,883 to support various projects and respond to the needs among the Lord’s people and their communities. At our trustees meeting (by Zoom) earlier this month we were able to allocate a further £23,250 to support the ongoing work in Zimbabwe. As indicated in earlier reports Nationwide have indicated they are closing their ‘Treasurers’ accounts which we have used to receive donations and we have, therefore, opened new accounts with Charity Aid Foundation Bank and all future donations should be deposited into the new account using the following information:
CAF Bank Sort code: 40-52-40
Account name: Zimbabwe Partnership Trust Account number: 00100168
Deposits can be made through online banking or local branches of HSBC Bank or any local Post Office
Online donations can also be made at give.net/20174075 and by using Charities Aid Foundation or Stewardship Services.
Supporting churches in their ministry and mission
The travel restrictions caused by the pandemic have meant that no visits by trustees to Zimbabwe have taken place this year and as a consequence the Training of Trainers programme and ladies conference have not been held. In addition, restrictions in Zimbabwe have meant that only one Indigenous Preachers Workshop has been able to be held in Zimbabwe since April. We trust that these IPWs, which are led by men trained through the ToT, will recommence as the restrictions to control the virus are eased.
At our recent trustees meeting it was considered unlikely that any trustees would be able to visit Zimbabwe in 2021 to lead further training in the ToT and we are exploring the possibility of arranging training sessions using the internet, although this has its limitations with the poor quality of the internet service in much of the country and the frequent power cuts. We are also investigating whether material produced by 100fold Ministries for the training of pastors using digital phone cards would be suitable for use in Zimbabwe.
Please pray for the recommencement of the local IPWs and for the Lord to guide in plans for further ToT training.
Relieving poverty among the churches and their communities
Rural Health Clinic at Makamure
For the past eighteen months we have supported the local community in Makamure in their endeavours to build a health clinic to serve the needs of rural communities in their area. We have supplied funding for most of the materials and building work is now nearing completion. There is a need for funding for equipment for the clinic to become operational and for the health authority to provide nursing staff to man the clinic. Please pray the Lord will provide the funding for equipment to complete this project and encourage the local community as they finish the building work and for the provision of staff for the clinic.
Since 2014 we have been able to fund seven new boreholes in partnership with Meadow Way Chapel, Norwich, and an existing borehole has been brought back into operation through the provision of solar panels and new pumping equipment. The latest borehole was drilled earlier this year, before the country was locked down because of the coronavirus, and a number of difficulties have been overcome in order to get the project completed. We are grateful to our partner James Kambudzi who has worked tirelessly through the time of lockdown to overcome the setbacks to this project and see it completed. This borehole has been provided to support the community field centre and expanding goat project in Mt Darwin as well as providing a safe water supply in the local community. A number of local families are already benefitting from the plentiful and accessible water supply, having previously had to walk 2 kilometres to collect water from the nearest borehole. The water is also very important for the expanding goat herd and the goats can drink from the concrete troughs whenever they want.
The goat project has proved to be very successful over recent months. A number of goats were given to orphans and families in great need in the spring and then there were 2 large distributions, involving 20 goats, through 2 local churches in the summer. A further distribution is planned for December, working with 2 churches and, possibly, a local school. There are currently 60 goats in the herd and they are looked after by 2 young herders whose wages are paid from ZPT funds.
A thanksgiving event for the completion of the borehole is being planned for 7th November and the programme will include prayers of thanks to God and Bible preaching. Please give thanks to the Lord for the completion of this borehole, despite the setbacks experienced, and pray for the witness of the thanksgiving event on 7th November.
We believe the provision of clean safe water supplies to needy communities through the provision of boreholes is an important part of the ministry of ZPT. We have had two further requests for boreholes brought before the trustees for consideration but at present do not have sufficient funds to proceed with these projects. Please pray for the Lord to provide the funds for further boreholes so we can continue with this vital ministry.
Famine Relief
The problems of famine, usually experienced in Zimbabwe because of drought and the economic conditions in the country, have been added to this year by the restrictions of lockdown, which have largely prevented the majority in the country from their normal pattern of street trading to support their families. In order to meet this challenge, we established a famine relief fund so we could respond to appeals for help and since April we have distributed £13,195 to help with famine relief. This help has largely gone to rural areas around Mt Darwin in the north of the country and Bulawayo in the south.
One brother who is a key partner in distributing famine relief in the Bulawayo are is Albert Chatindo, who ministers among rural marginalised communities and distributes food aid on behalf of ZPT. His 4×4 vehicle, which is essential for this work, is beyond repair and we are joining with another charity, Zimbabwe Victim Support Fund, to raise funds to provide a replacement vehicle. If you would like to know more about this need and/or support this appeal for funds further information can be received from one of our trustees Jon Spalding jonandpetra@live.co.uk
Please pray for this famine relief work and the provision of a vehicle for Albert.
Tools for Training Schemes
The Community Development Centre being built at Mt Darwin, and supported financially by the Trust, is being used to run training programmes for young people to give them some basic skills that they might develop to support themselves. Trymore Mateyanganga runs this scheme and he has appealed for help in providing carpentry, building and gardening tools as well as sewing machines.
In a similar way Gideon Chishamba and Fountain of Hope Foundation, who we partner with in a number of projects, are establishing a training scheme for young people in Bulawayo and they have appealed for assistance in providing carpentry tools and other equipment.
We are grateful for the partnership of Tools With A Mission who are generously proving the tools required for these training schemes and will be shipping these to Zimbabwe in December. Please pray for the safe arrival of this equipment, that the customs authorities will not exact high taxes for their import, and that the tools will be a blessing to the young people in these training schemes.