The impact of Covid 19 over the past year has seen life disrupted across the world to a greater or lesser degree, yet despite this we are thankful to the Lord that the work of ZPT has been maintained in giving support to the believers and their communities in Zimbabwe. Not only have we seen humanitarian projects being developed and maintained but there has also been spiritual blessing that has come into communities through the testimony of compassion and care expressed through the Lord’s people. The following report highlights this blessing.

Fountain of Hope and the wonderful people of the different communities that we work with would like to first and foremost register our appreciation to you for the support that you are rendering to us and the communities. We are glad that through your support, some families are now food secure because of the boreholes and the garden projects that you provided to different communities. These gardens have become places of individual and community transformation, people have been enlightened in various ways as they come to these places to either get water or work in the garden. One of the greatest achievements that we have encountered in these communities, especially in Makamure, is how people have turned from ancestral worship to the life of trusting God alone. These people used to have their witch-doctors, rainmakers, etc. in their community, but through these projects which are opening ways for us to speak the word of God, the community now believes in the power of God and even their chiefs who are supposed to be custodians of culture are now turning to God shunning their own traditional way of doing things. Our team is very much indebted to ZPT for the support and partnership in bringing hope and light to the people who live in darkness.
Give thanks for the encouragement of these blessings.
Over the past seven years the Trust, in partnership with Meadow Way Chapel in Norwich, has funded the drilling of seven boreholes and refurbished an existing borehole by the provision of solar panels and solar powered pump. These boreholes have a far-reaching impact on rural communities by providing safe clean water for domestic use, reducing the transmission of common diseases, as well as providing water for livestock and gardens. As trustees we have received requests for two further boreholes which we would like to see established this year – one for the Community Development Centre at Mt Darwin being overseen by one of our partners – Trymore Mateyanganga. The programme of training in fish farming has had to stop because of the lack of water and the local community is suffering because of the shortage of clean water. The following was reported to our recent trustees meeting:
Back in the autumn when water was desperately short the students at the CDC attempted to re-dig some of the wells that had dried out, but alas they found no water and, even though there have been good rains this year, water is still an issue right now as the wells do not keep water for very long and the only reliable source is from a borehole which we do not have.
A further request for a borehole has been received from our partners Fountain of Hope:
One of the things that the Corona Virus has brought up in the hearts of the people, is the need for safe and clean water for drinking. Schools are required to have running water all the time so that children may be able to wash their hands every now and again. In Chivi district, some villages and school children share water sources with animals since they don’t have clean and safe water sources. It is against this backdrop that we would like to propose the drilling of a borehole at Mandiva primary school. The school has an enrolment of 600 children who all come from poor background and from different villages around the school. The nearest water source is Tokwe River which is about 10km away from the school and which has got lots of crocodiles. Some children were eaten by crocodiles while fetching water for their families in this river.
Please pray for the provision of funds for these two boreholes. Are you, or your church, able to help us reach this target to provide boreholes for both of these situations this year?
Bible Teaching through Zoom

For the past two years it has not been possible for trustees to visit Zimbabwe to lead Bible Teaching in the Training of Trainers programme and conduct day conferences for pastors. However, at the end of March it was possible to set up a day conference on Zoom for a group of around 35 pastors when Derek French and Roger Prime led Bible teaching sessions. The success of this day has raised the possibility of further such day conferences and also the prospect of leading Training of Trainers sessions via Zoom. Please pray for the development of these opportunities
Youth Training Courses
Training courses to provide young people with skills so that they can establish livelihoods for themselves are being run by our partners at the Community Development Centre in Mt Darwin and Fountain of Hope in Bulawayo. A container with tools and equipment donated by Tools With A Mission is on its way to Zimbabwe – please pray these will soon arrive and be a blessing to the young people being trained through these schemes.
Health Clinic at Makamure
Completion of the building work was held up by heavy rains over the past three months, but work is now underway again and we trust will soon be completed so the clinic can be equipped and staffed to provide much needed medical facilities in this rural area. Please pray for the success of this project.
Supporters Prayer Meeting
The trustees are holding a prayer meeting on Zoom on Monday 17th May from 7.30pm – 9.00pm and invite any supporters who would like to join us for this to contact our chairman – Chris Boyes – at cnhboyes (at) letterboxes (dot) org to arrange for a link to the meeting to be sent to you. This will be an opportunity to share more news of the work and pray together for the needs of the Lord’s people in Zimbabwe.
Donations can be made to our Account with CAF Bank – Sort code: 40-52-40
Account name: Zimbabwe Partnership Trust Account number: 00100168
Online donations can also be made at
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support of the work.
Roger Prime,