BBC Report 29 August 2024

BBC Report 29 August 2024

From BBC News at
Shingai Nyoka reported from the Kurima village in Zimbabwe on the situation faced by many including our own partners in Zimbabwe.

Digging riverbeds in Zimbabwe in desperate search for water

Shingai Nyoka
BBC News, Kurima village

Published 29 August 2024

One of the worst droughts in living memory is sweeping across southern Africa, leaving close to 70 million people without enough food and water.

In Mudzi district in northern Zimbabwe, a community and their livestock are gathered on a bone-dry riverbed. The Vombozi normally flows throughout the year but right now, it is just beige sand as far as the eye can see.

Read more about BBC Report 29 August 2024
News and Prayer Report August 2024

News and Prayer Report August 2024

The situation across Zimbabwe is still dominated by the drought conditions, with many families now completely dependent on food aid for their survival. Our partners are stretched to the limit by the needs of the communities they serve. Below is a summary of their reports. Gideon ChishambaFountain of Hope Rungai Medical Centre – Chivi The […]