News and Prayer Report August 2024

The situation across Zimbabwe is still dominated by the drought conditions, with many families now completely dependent on food aid for their survival. Our partners are stretched to the limit by the needs of the communities they serve. Below is a summary of their reports.

This map shown at our July Zoom prayer meeting is a helpful reference to get an idea of where our partners are based. We will need to maintain the focus on famine relief for the rest of this year.

Gideon Chishamba
Fountain of Hope

Rungai Medical Centre – Chivi

The vision of Fountain of Hope and the community of Makamure is to have a medical clinic that provides medical support to the 19000 people from Ward 19 of the Chivi district.

They have persevered with great patience on this project, overcoming every obstacle and fulfilling each demand. The mobile clinic team has been using the premises and equipment since furnishing at the start of 2024. Several snagging tasks remain but the main hurdle to overcome before the official opening in September is the rebuilding of the incinerator with firebricks to dispose of clinical waste. They had used their own locally made sun-baked bricks for this but they will not withstand the intense heat of an incinerator. We provided the funds to purchase these bricks, which have now been bought, and we are waiting for the council to build it.

Makamure School Water supply project
Earlier this year, a ZPT-funded project enabled them to bring water to this struggling school with 197 children. Without a water supply, they were unable to obtain qualified teachers leading to a very low pass rate. Now they have a water supply they have been able to recruit a head teacher and more qualified teachers are joining the staff. The water supply will also
enable the school to equip the children with practical agricultural skills to grow food.

Skills training

Fountain of Hope is diversifying its skills training for young people. They have trained over 30 young people since the start of this initiative and several are already employed or are running their own small businesses to make a living. They are now offering training in motor mechanics, building and plumbing, and catering management.


Five gardens are functioning very well (including the polytunnel garden) and are helping the people of these communities grow sufficient food for themselves.

Gideon has recently shared how they were involved in a collision with a cow that had strayed into the road at night. Mercifully, they were unhurt but the cow died. It will incur considerable expense to repair the damage. This is not covered by insurance as the cow owner would be expected to cover this but would be totally unable to meet this responsibility. Needless to say, the owner has not come forward. This amount of damage in the UK would probably write a car off but this is repairable at an estimated cost of $3344. This vehicle is essential for Gideon and Jennifer to carry out their work over the big district they cover.

On the night it happened they were out delivering food to needy families. It’s a reminder that Zimbabwean roads (and the drivers using them!) are often dangerous. Please pray for preservation for all our partners and that the Lord will provide the means for this to be repaired.

James Kambudzi
Tariro Yeupenyu (Hope for Life)

Our partner James Kambudzi has had a very difficult year, having been abandoned and divorced by Hazel, his second wife. Their relationship had been poor for a while and she finally left with Elsie, the child they had together, completely stripping the house of all the furnishings and even plates and dishes! She left behind James’ children from his first marriage to Lettie in a bare house. Lettie passed away in 2017. We felt it was right for ZPT to help him purchase the basic items. We sent out $360 from money designated by supporters and this enabled him to buy pots for the kitchen and blankets and a further $500 from the emergency relief fund for furniture.

In spite of this, James has persevered with his work helping the needy Community in his area of Mount Darwin.

Famine relief

85 Families are receiving monthly supplies of maize meal in this district.

Goat herd

The goats are in good health and a number of distributions to local churches have taken place recently.

Vegetable garden

The vegetable garden has been highly productive in recent months. 12 families have benefited from the food and also from selling and sharing the proceeds of the large crop of tomatoes. It was encouraging to hear that 10 people were baptised from this community on 14th July.

John Derks
Second Chance

In April we received a request for support from Second Chance ministries, who have an established ministry to disadvantaged families and ex-offenders. A part of Second Chance is livelihood training to train women as seamstresses. They often have contracts to supply uniforms and workwear. They needed to obtain some sewing machines for the women to use while they learn the necessary skills.

We decided this was a good project to support and paid for 16 machines. We recently received back a report showing the ladies who have benefited from this training and have made new clothes from themselves and designed and made uniforms.

Trymore and Bester
Community Development Centre

Trymore reports that they have been training young people on electrical installation using tools supplied by Tools with a Mission (TWAM). They have been busy with fence construction using their chain link fencing machine and teaching plumbing as they continue to work on the nursery school buildings attached to the CDC.

68 Orphan children are being fed at the CDC. Trymore writes: “A number of families have become open to the Gospel as it is always our norm before we do the distribution to preach and challenge people about their relationship with God.”

During the past few months, we encouraged Try and Bester to obtain a proper diagnosis and treatment for Bester’s suspected diabetes. After extensive tests and consultations from a specialist in Harare, it was determined that Bester will need to begin a regime of insulin injections and a tailored diet. This will involve a monthly expense which would be way beyond their ability to finance. Whilst we don’t normally fund ongoing medical treatment, we felt it was right to support them with this expense as they are key partners doing essential work in Mount Darwin. We are pleased to report that some UK donors have already come on board to help with designated giving to support Bester’s monthly treatment costs.

Pastoral training

We would value prayer for the forthcoming zoom conference on 2nd October 2024 and also next year 15th May 2025 – Day Conference with Robert and Gideon’s men in the Bulawayo area.
19th – 23rd May 2025 – Training of Trainers week at Lasting Impressions.

Last year’s Training of Trainers at the Lasting Impressions centre

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