BBC Report 29 August 2024

BBC Report 29 August 2024

Shingai Nyoka reported from the Kurima village in Zimbabwe on the situation faced by many including our own partners in Zimbabwe. Digging riverbeds in Zimbabwe in desperate search for water For more information:

News and Prayer Report August 2024

News and Prayer Report August 2024

The situation across Zimbabwe is still dominated by the drought conditions, with many families now completely dependent on food aid for their survival. Our partners are stretched to the limit by the needs of the communities they serve. Below is a summary of their reports. Gideon ChishambaFountain of Hope Rungai Medical Centre – Chivi The […]

Emergency drought report March 2024

Emergency drought report March 2024

We feel compelled to report to you all a rapidly unfolding crisis in Zimbabwe due to the complete lack of rain. We are getting reports from our partners across Zimbabwe and from other charities. The following are messages recently received: ………” things are not good at all, crops are dead we are having to encourage […]

News and Prayer Update January 2024

News and Prayer Update January 2024

We report on the recent visit of some of our Trustees to deliver a Training of Trainers week in November last year and bring news of progress on some of our long running projects. Our ZPT Chairman, Chris Boyes went along this time too and he was able to get a really good overview of […]

Chivi – Gospel Health Clinic

Chivi – Gospel Health Clinic

In 2019 the community in Chivi began an ambitious project – here, one of our partners, Gideon Chishamba, is talking about the new Health Clinic and his desire to see it as a means of reaching people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gideon, you and your team are involved in […]

News and Prayer Update November 2023

News and Prayer Update November 2023

General Election On the 23rd of August 2023 the Zimbabwean general election was held again. Emmerson Mnangagwa was pronounced the winner with 52% of the vote and Nelson Chamisa declared to have achieved 44% with a handful of other contenders getting the remainder. Whilst many were praying for a miracle, there is probably little surprise […]

News and Prayer Update July 2023

News and Prayer Update July 2023

Thank you for your continued interest and support. We would like to bring you some updates on the ongoing projects we are helping our dear Christian brothers and sisters with in Zimbabwe. We are conscious that there is now looming up the General election on 23rd August. They will be voting for both a president […]

News and Prayer Update March 2023

News and Prayer Update March 2023

As Trustees we were moved by the recent news of two little boys from the Mount Darwin area where James Kambudzi ministers. Munashe is eight and has thrilled his family by taking his first steps by himself. With good nutrition, although clearly developmentally delayed, he is now catching up. It is heart-warming to see tangible […]

Annual report and News update Nov 2022

Annual report and News update Nov 2022

We give thanks to God for another year of His provision for ZPT. Every time the Trustees meet we continue to be amazed and thankful for the way support comes in, enabling us to channel funds through to our brothers and sisters in Zimbabwe. However, the needs in the country are such that over the […]

News and Prayer Update May 2022

News and Prayer Update May 2022

We give thanks to God for enabling us to continue the work of ZPT through another 6 months and we are thankful to our supporters for faithfully sending funds for the various projects and ministries. The needs are as great as ever with a very hot February and March causing widespread drought conditions. This means […]